Monday, November 26, 2007

Bacterial Infection Tongue Throat


  • Asymptomatic Amebiasis

E. histolytica , reside as commensal intestinal lumen does not cause tissue damage, so the wearer removes cysts in stool, transmitted to another host.

The reason that these carriers had no symptoms, is still unknown, but there is a risk that if occurs.

As the carrier may be infected by pathogenic or nonpathogenic strains. strains can be identified by serological tests.

  • symptomatic Amebiasis

Intestinal Amebiasis

Introducing types and severity dependent on the location and intestinal involvement.

Rectosigmoiditis Acute injuries Presents ulceronecróticas rectosigmoid segment of colon, manifesting with symptoms of acute onset with bloody diarrhea presenting evacuacuaciones of 7-10 per day, accompanied by pain hemiabdominal bottom. can also be accompanied by fever and general commitment.

Fulminant Colitis: There is extensive destruction of the mucosa and submucosa of the colon, with ulcers in its entire length. Table severe bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain and severe in general conditions. The liver may be tender.

If this box is not treated, can develop in the large bowel dilatation, high fever, rapid dehydration, vomiting and a tendency to shock. being one of the most common and serious complications are intestinal perforation, leading to peritonitis, sepsis, shock and death.

form or diarrhea Diarrheal Acute This commitment has superficial and manifests with diarrhea more or less intense, non-dysenteric acute or intermittent, with or without abdominal pain.

Extraintestinal Amebiasis

Hepatic Amebiasis (amebic liver abscess): Caused by the migration of trophozoites of E. histolytica, from gut to liver via portal circulation, presenting most frequent location in the right lobe, a feature that is explained by the distribution of intestinal damage (cecoascendente) where the circulation that supplies blood to the area, drains into the portal circulation.

The most important pathological facts presented in this table is the hepatomegaly with a focal lesion consisting of an abscess cavity, which can to occupy the entire right lobe. with material typically brown, odorless, thick corresponding to necrotic liver tissue with blood. However, the amoebae are outside of the necrotic region, limited in the outer wall of the abscess when invading the surrounding parenchyma.

Occasionally, the abscess becomes infected with bacteria, causing a conformational change, becoming more fluid, yellow or green, with the presence of PMN leukocytes and bacteria.


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