Thursday, February 17, 2011

Design My Own Football Helment


Hello readers, I regret the absence but I'm back to stress and daily grind.

We are living very chaotic times, we are in the crossfire of a senseless war, a high level of insecurity and ignorance in the country, the news is not reliable, and the people is very easy handling and prefers to be aware of issues absurd issues that really affect them.

Within science fiction there is a recurring sub-genre, the dystopia in which events occur in companies attempting to reach the utopia achieved the opposite, unequal societies, intolerant, repressive. This time we write about George Orwell's novel 1984.
The story takes place, as stated in the title in 1984, its protagonist, Winston Smith, is a resident of the Gaza air 1, a region once called Great Britain and is part of the area known as Oceania, which encompasses the entire American continent, the British Isles, Australia and New Zealand, and is in an eternal war with one of the other two regions: Eurasia and East Asia (sometimes fight with Eurasia and East Asia allies and sometimes upside down). In this reality
Oceania is ruled by "the party" a group of power that is divided in 4 departments (indeed, in charge of media education and entertainment, peace responsible for matters of war, love responsible for maintaining order and carry out the laws; abundance that is responsible for economic affairs) and its main figure the "Big Brother", the party has also distributed in public places and homes, "telescreens" devices that keep transmit posts of the Party, but also monitoring people and detect any strange attitude.
Individuals are completely suppressed and any manifestation of emotion is followed closely by the thought police, as to the relations between men and women, its aim is only to beget children (horror), which since very young age, are educated to serve the party and spy on their parents and neighbors.
Something very interesting is that Orwell's novel creates a fictional world and even spent large parts of the book to explain the functioning political party and its ideology (The Ingsoc, distorted version of socialism and has the opposite effect), its tactics to maintain power and control over people ("War is peace Freedom is slavery Ignorance is strength) altering history and even how to create a new language to limit the thoughts of people (the new tongue, which reduces the vocabulary).
After reading the book (published in 1949) is impossible not to find analogies to present this ; country (and others), even the other day in an analysis program, one participant said he was satisfied As George Orwell suggested, only with a delay of a few years.
This is a very disturbing book shows very frightening aspects of society and the rulers and all that we do not want to happen, I personally recommend it because it makes you think about the society we live in today (even helped me for some issues in my classes such as language and history study).
is a novel has been adapted for the cinema and opera, but it is so rich in content that is very important if it is read, it's very easy to get (it is in most libraries) at very affordable prices ( varies depending on the editorial and publishing).
If you have read, have questions, or already are reading, you know that you can comment.
We read later.


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