Thursday, July 22, 2010

Washing Northface Apex

new Standard.

The basic coleccción M11 is now operational. Is a collection of some key cards brings fresh air and new archetypes to be plagued by Jund, Mythic, RDW and Super Friends.

Now, certain letters of M11 have crept into the metagame, and are as follows:

- Mana Leak: Some Japanese use them as much as Basic Mythic. This precious counter marks the tempo of the standard games where we see our opponent with blue mana open. Whereas before it was based on turn 2 Wall of Omens, Lotus, Cobra, Putrid Leech, Spreading Seas or Hellspark Elemental, Mana Leak certainly strong enough to break the format.
fear now return to see our rival with two untapped lands and at least one of blue. Why break the tempo? Simple, not previously used almost the maindeck counters (except from Jund Flashfreeze when some or all played it well or Cancel Deprived maindeck, but were rare exceptions) and people played their threats without fear of counter, even control decks tapearse were based on whole (UW Tap Out) to play its key. Now, we will want to wait for 3 mana to spare or risk a Mana Leak puts us heading uphill.

- Titan Primeval: Strategies have gone extraordinarily Ramp get benefits with M11, in particular, thanks to this monster, that for 6 we have a 6 / 6 trample, which is good, but then only by enter the battlefield gives ANY TWO LANDS. And if attacked, it is almost starting.
Some Japanese (of course) have already played Turboland UGR lists, using the obvious synergy between it and Valakut Titan, the Molten Pinnacle.

- Destructive Force: A real PUMP. Ramp appropriate strategies, we join those 7 mana on turn 4-5, leaving us with two or three lands, and our opponent with nothing. It is worth noting the obvious synergy between this letter and the Primeval Titan, and if we play the Titan on turn 4, and fifth, before gluing, we threw the Force, we will have virtually sealed the game.

- obstinate Baloth : The cousin of Baloth Ravenous, permitted to enter free game where we shoot a Blightning (although many Jund not play maindeck or relegated to the side, because between this Baloth, the Vengevine and the return of the Hellspark in RDW, not rent), and improved in the sense that it gives the 4 lives to go and not sacrifice, for so you can stop any attack or put pressure.

- Cultivate : the letter that any strategy needed Ramp and play now. Accelerating a shift and ensures we have the mens 5 lands in table on turn 4.

- Leyline of Sanctity: A curious letter that gives us protection against Jace, Gideon Jura, Ajani Vengeant or Liliana Vess. In addition, it protects us from sparks in the face, Blightning of Runeflare Trap, Duress ... Charter required in almost any dock, which plays white.

- Leyline of Punishment: Finally! The RDW are more than luck with it cartonaco, rendering useless the Kor Firewalker, and preventing those annoying Pelakka Angel Backtracking Baneslayer Wurm or heading. With this spell, the RDW mazs Tier1'm sure they will be in the new Standard season.

- Shaman Fauna: It has been heavily involved in many strategies for Naya and Bant, it is an excellent tutor, with a more than obvious synergy between Bloodbraid Elf, Vengevine and herself. Thanks to the Animals Shaman, it is possible decks only do creatures. That if you die with a Lightning Burst. So? Not all decks, not everyone plays Lightning Bolt, and more importantly, there will always be in the hand of your opponent.

These are, for now, exclusive of M11 cards that have been set to Standard, because the Baneslayer Angel, for example, was already in M10. I say standard because some as preordained, have not yet played in Standard, but in Extended or Legacy.

And yet, I anticipate that with the departure of Alara and certain letters (Terminate, Maelstrom Press), some cards like Lich Phylactery begin to see much play.

Well, after this ... I was thrilled with the Destructive Force. I am a great lover of Ramp decks, I like to accelerate to infinity and beyond to play huge stalks (in fact, I love the new Extended, and to use a new Warp World, but leave that for another article.) And the Destructive Force got me thinking. Ramp

wanted to play, so obviously I had to play green. Cultivate and Explore cards as they would go ahead, without thinking. In addition, Mr. Garruk gets along very well with the decks Ramp. The color red would be my second, on the Destructive Force, but also win the almighty Bloodbraid Elf, Ramp strategies can bring Explore or Cultivate.
Do I need a third color? In my opinion, yes, and I decided that was the target color. But instead of "support", I preferred to leave the red "support" and use white as my second color.
Cartonazo That allowed me to include as Elspeth or Vengeant Ajani, in addition to the Day of Judgement or Wall of Omens, which would buy valuable time against aggro.

Well with this idea, I started making lists and tests ... And I have this:

/ / Deck file for Magic Workstation (

/ /
Lands 4 [ALA] Jungle Shrine
4 [ZEN] Verdant Catacombs
2 [ZEN] Arid Mesa
5 [OD] Forest (3)
3 [M10] Mountain (3)
3 [OD] Plains (3)
2 [M10] Rootbound Crag
3 [M10] Sunpetal Grove

// Creatures
3 [M11] Primeval Titan
4 [ROE] Wall of Omens
4 [ARB] Bloodbraid Elf

// Spells
3 [ALA] Ajani Vengeant
3 [LRW] Garruk Wildspeaker
2 [ALA] Elspeth, Knight-Errant
4 [M11] Destructive Force
3 [ZEN] Day of Judgment
4 [M11] Cultivate
4 [WWK] Explore

// Sideboard
SB: 1 [ZEN] Day of Judgment
SB: 2 [WWK] Kor Firewalker
SB: 4 [M11] Leyline of Sanctity
SB: 3 [ALA] Oblivion Ring
SB: 2 [M11] Celestial
Purge SB: 3 [ROE] Pelakka Wurm

I call it, Naya destructive forces.

The composition is quite simple, with 26 lands to make sure not to miss a land drop and because Explore is better to play with surplus land. I do not manlands, and many basic, because I do not want to play me on the Jund cut the tempo of my game and keep me from reaching the 7 mana with an annoying Ruinblaster Goblin.

rest is explained by itself. Planeswalkers play their best colors in this kind of strategy, and after a Destructive Force , have a Garruk Elspeth or in table is synonymous with winning.

The deck does well against most match-ups. Is somewhat faster than the rest of ramps, and Jund do not usually give too many problems. If schools are a Destructive Force, you have won.
Against control decks, especially Super Friends, is worse. His Planeswalkers can stop us dry, especially Gideon attacking and robbing Jace in search of land. RDW decks
And, with its speed and pressure, too. They are oriented my sideboard:

-Kor Firewalker, Leyline, Celestial Purge and Pelakka Wurm, are all against RDW, whereas the last three (ie, all but the Kor) go to Jund.
"The ORing is our response to the Planeswalkers, and could get a room or Pithing Needle if we were on the fourth Day of Judgement.

harness price varies between 250 and 300 euros, depending on how good you may be negotiating xD, so it is not too expensive, adding one more point in its favor.


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