Friday, September 17, 2010

Western Themed Menu Templates

to be happy gentlemen, every day demonstrates that Mendoza expanded both nationally and internationally is not vain. For several years my province and bounds grow at rates in tourism, agriculture, among many others, but it seems that the health professionals have saved us a great gift, which if it is within the capabilities of each one would have to use it not?? As they say ..... gift horse is not looking teeth.

These days it is developing various activities in the only laboratory cadaver de Cuyo, which operates in the Central Hospital. This is an activity that combines a review of anatomy, surgical approaches and surgical techniques specific modern.

Mendoza is still home to III Update Course in Surgical Fixation and Members Exhibition.

This is an activity that combines a review of the anatomy of modern surgical approaches and surgical techniques specific directly applicable to the line of Smith & Nephew trauma.

Using theoretical presentations, the dissection of anatomical specimens and conducting workshops on cadavers, course attendees will receive an update on the latest techniques of treatment of Orthopaedic Trauma.

The course is being conducted in the cadaver lab operating in the Central Hospital. It is the only surgical training bodies fresh in the region of Cuyo.

activity began Thursday and continues through Saturday. For information and registration, contact the 011 4765 5409 or 5028 011 1238.

Meeting arthroscopy orthopedic surgeons and specialists in

September 24 at 14 will start in the Central Hospital of the Interior Scientific Meeting of the Country of the Association of Argentina Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy Association

Argentina will include topics such as:

• Patología fémoro-patelar:  abordaje semiológico y diagnóstico por imágenes - Dr. Matías Roby

• Reconstrucción plástica ligamentaria LCA: cómo lo hago paso a paso - Dr. Guillermo Sagasta

• Rodilla multi-ligamentaria: cómo la manejo - Dr. Jorge Santander 

• Presentación y discusión de casos problema 

• Tendinopatías: presente y futuro - Dr. Federico Torrengo

• Evaluation and prognostic factors for arthroscopic Bankart repair: the score ISIS - Dr. Matias Villalba

• redislocation plastic post: how to resolve it - Dr. Maximilian Ranalletta

Source: MDZOL


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